Sunday, May 17, 2020

Two Computers, One Project

Have you ever wondered how you can seamlessly switch from your desktop computer to your laptop computer and viceversa when working on SDL Trados Studio projects?

This video explains how to do it!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Reorganize your Termbase to Improve Term Recognition in SDL Trados Studio

I first wrote about termbase reorganization in 2013, after the upgrade from SDL Trados Studio 2011 to SDL Trados Studio 2014 alerted users to the need to reorganize termbases.

Seven years later, and almost two years after SDL Trados Studio 2019 first came out, we no longer see this reminder, but may still need to run a termbase reorganization now and then to improve term recognition.

If you've run into a situation where you just know your termbase contains certain terms but are not seeing those terms being recognized, try reorganizing your termbase, it may just be what you need to get things working as they should.

Below are the steps to quickly reorganize your termbases.

1. Open your termbase in Multiterm. 

If you haven't installed Multiterm yet, go to your SDL account, download the program and install it. Once installed, double-clicking a termbase file (*.sdltb) in Windows Explorer will open the termbase in Multiterm.

2. Reorganize the termbase

With the termbase(s) open in Multiterm, go to Termbase Management, make sure the Home tab is selected and click on Reorganize and select the termbases you want to reorganize. Note that you can run the process on several termbases at once.

The reorganization process is pretty fast, so you should be done in only a few minutes, or maybe even seconds, if the termbase is small.

After the process is complete, you can close Multiterm and go back to SDL Trados Studio, where you should start seeing improved term recognition.